Well, at the end of threading up this 1200 end warp on 24 shafts I have 4 extra ends. I swear I individually counted off each bunch of 24 ends and yet I have extra ends. I'm going to assume I put in an extra cross or two somewhere when I was making the warp on the stand, because that wouldn't really be much of a problem. The chance that I have on 4 occassions both missed a shaft in threading and also miscounted the same batch seems far fetched. Also, I didn't take as much care as usual in counting my crosses when I was making my warp, so that's probably where I made my mistake. Also, this is a Texel loom, from France. I've never used one of these before, I gather the programming box is somewhat arcane. But they really are beautiful machines. Some people moan about them, but I suspect they just haven't given them the time needed. A little bit awkward to thread through, but I think I've got the hang of it now, you just have to sit side on so as you don...