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Showing posts with the label philosophy

Almost totally off topic, hanging onto relevance by the narrowest of threads.

I've just found my new favourite author. Cixin Liu (or is that Liu Cixin, I don't know) is an SF write from China, I have just read a free offering of his from Amazon which you can download for free as an E-book. It's a novella describing humanity's travails in escaping the death of the sun with the earth as our spaceship. To say this this book is epic, majestic and terrifying in it's magnificient concept is a remarkable understatement. But to fail to acknowledge the hope gleaned from finding an author who is willing to conceive of humanity facing up to huge and terrible challenges with stoicism and resourcefulness would be a mistake. The Wandering Earth It's simply unlike anything I have ever read. But what is more remarkable is that it hits the very note that I have been attempting to hit with my last warp Can you see what I'm trying to do? It's supposed to be like a representation of the galaxy as viewed in transit at high spe...