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Showing posts from September, 2012

Am I imagining things . . .

. . . or is there something masonic about this motif I've just woven? Can't quite place my finger on it.


This is a tablet-woven QR code. I am very happy with it, because I scanned it with my phone and the phone went straight to this website, which is what I was hoping would happen. I can still not quite believe it actually works. I used QRDroid for Android to scan it, I'm not sure what you'd use on iOS or any other type of phone. There's probably a way of scanning it without using a phone, like copying it to a conversion website or something, but it seems like a bit of a footer, so don't worry about it. You can just take my word for it if you like

Whooo! Elective Patterning

Hurrah! It works! It's finally starting to look like the patterning I've seen on Linda Hendricksohn's website. The first band is in progress right now. The second couple of pics are from a warp I was previously working on. I tend to make very long warps, then get bored of them and move onto another one that offers greater possibilities. This warp is using 40 cards of 2/32's cotton. I am using the technique that Linda describes for making her calligraphy bands.  Look, it's an ankh and a pointy manny. You can get quite nice smooth diagonals if you have the cards pointing in a certain direction. Which maybe matters more with chunkier yarns like this. Actually, it's not chunky yarn, it's 8 ends of fine viscose run together as one end in each hole. but the effect is the same. And some more, including a cross and what looks like a christian fish but was actually meant to be the letter A. Something I really like about this technique is it gives y...

And there's more

 A few of these. I've been beating my head against the double-weave badness today. I think I'll need to get some graph paper and try graphing out some lettering. Graph paper is probably the way forward. Go graph paper. I don't think I have any though, and they don't sell it in Tesco. Maybe I can get digital graph paper, like on the interwebs and that. No, apparently not. You'd think there'd be something for just filling in wee boxes with black or whatever. But apparently not.  I think I might have reached the limit of what I can do with regular TW here without turning my brain to custard. I was doing a wee bit of interchanging double warp-face plain weave on the same warp today. You turn the cards so they're kinda on their points, then you have a shed above and a shed below. It's fairly cool, though it's definitely more difficult than it should be to beat back the fell, as far as I'm concerned.  I guess once this is all done, I...

Weaving with a cold, upon the Square of Comfort

 I have been under attack by the Horrible Cold for four days. I am now recovered. In the meantime, I constructed a Square of Comfort, from two couches pushed together and decked out in quilts and cushions and orange juice and penicillin and so on. It is truly a glorious thing, and not at all decadent and messy. While in the square I was feeling a little guilty about not being in college throwing my germs about and whinging about feeling horrible (imagine how productive I would have been!) so I whipped out the inkle loom and threw a warp on it. The thing I like about the inkle looms is it makes it so much easier to make a wider band with a softer handle as your weaving isn't getting pulled into a point as it is when I weave it body-tensioned. I have begun a process of experimenting with more complex ways of manipulating the cards. to create more interesting patterns. It could be a looooooong journey, as there is just so much to discover, I could be at this for year...