This was from the last 4 weeks of work (or so). My routine was a little disrupted and I wasn't concentrating very well. As such I didn't put as much serious design work into this colour pallette as I would have liked. I basically did a little trend research, alighted on a colour scheme or feel that appealed to me and picked about 8 yarns off the shelves. As well as a kinda soft blending effect I was also trying to create a subtle textural effect, with lines of raised surface texture running diagonally up the cloth. I can't be sure how well it comes across on the screen. I seriously need to invest in some proper photography equipment, like a stand and lights, and things like that. I feel this one is a little "strong", but it added a little contrast to the others. Some people think it's their favourite. Some people don't like it very much at all. There's no accounting for taste. This is the final group of ten. I spent hours mount...