Well, it's been a little while. this is only a narrow warp really. have to do sums to figure out how many ends there are. damn, i've forgotten long multiplication. 16 x 24 = 384 ends i am a slave to the calculator on my phone. in much the same way i am a slave to my lighter. through intellectual and physical laziness i'm using some of the stuff i got from those folks down south. i just thought to make stripes of blue and green seperated by fine lines of yellow, and i got this when i wove with even picks-to-ends pretty chuffed i reckon. this is a good long warp though, and i really have very little of the blue left. maybe not even enough to make one full scarf length in this style. i'm not really sure if i have that much green either to be honest. the only of those colours i have a lot of is the yellow and using yellow as a dominant weft in this fabric would be a bloody awful idea i reckon. i probably have some other yarns that are "close enough" so never mind....
Because I can, so I do. Wouldn't You?